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It’s nearly time again to set our time pieces (clocks, watches, etc.) forward again as Daylight Savings time kicks in for the upcoming summer.  Winter, thankfully, is quickly taking its frigid and frosty retreat from our part of the world as the promise of spring brings with it warmer...

Study to show thyself approved…

2 Timothy 2 (KJV) 1 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a...

The Comforter in our Time of Sorrow

One of the hardest aspects of grief that I have been forced to endure is the loneliness that washes over me from the unnecessary death of my youngest son Stephen. And if you have lost a loved one, you too have experienced the seemingly unending tidal waves of grief...

THE AFTERMATH: A Mother’s Passage Through Grief

It’s Wednesday, October 16, and I am standing outside in a lonely spot. I guess it normally would be called a forlorn, windswept location except that it is sunny, in the upper 40’s, and there is barely any wind blowing, just an occasional puff of wind arising out...

Thoughts of Stephen…

In a few short days, it would have been Stephen’s 27th birthday. This will be the second birthday without our youngest son. In some ways it seems as if has been forever and a day since we said our goodbye to him as we looked upon his lifeless body...