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A Fallen Warriors’ Memorandum

James was a true renaissance man at heart; the knowledge and skills he had acquired in the 25 years of his life demonstrated his broad categories of refined and diversified taste.

Depending on whom you asked James was a talented chef, a student of the culinary arts in the kitchen.  To some he was a philanthropist having a heart full of generosity as he gave to many people throughout his life. He had the mind of a true entrepreneur, as his creative abilities and brilliant mind allowed him to innovate and think outside of the box. He used this ability to hone his skills as a blacksmith, making many iron forged tools and metal works with his bare hands; if even by crude methods, nothing stopped him from finding a way once he set his mind to it. He was able to work with his hands and visualize a job from start to finish allowing him to efficiently plan out every job whether for work or leisure. This included his wood working skills, as he built and refurbished numerous things including but not limited to dog kennels, desks, chairs, and tables.

He found serenity and peace in nature enjoying the beauty and splendor of lakes, rivers, trees, birds and other animals. James thoroughly enjoyed fishing especially with his older brother Glen. Archery was another hobby of his as well, as he was thrilled by the gracefulness and precision of shooting a bow. Often times you could find him in the company of a friend or small group of friends out on the lake kayaking which he enjoyed beyond measure as it allowed him to explore the water from a more personal perspective. Somedays, however, James enjoyed the solitude of being indoors in which he would find a good book to read. But it didn’t stop there as James himself was an accomplished writer himself; his creative writing style allowed him to let the words on his mind and heart flow from within out onto the paper into something that was nothing short of brilliant and awe inspiring. His stories would be filled with wonder as the beauty and adventure inside his head would fill up each page and carry you like the wind on a boat setting sail on a sunny day on the ocean; taking you away to the mystical and enchanting world of whatever he could imagine.

James’ intellectual and surpassing academic abilities were matched only by his incredible physical prowess and sheer determination.  What many do not know about James is that he was truly a warrior at heart. At an early age James began training in the martial arts under the instruction of Sensei Todd Cooper and his Wife Selia, as well as the other karatekas. From here, James would go on to honing his skills, practicing with his two older brothers Matthew and John continually bettering himself. He was a force to reckon with, as he become very adept not only in his fighting skills but also in the art of using a weapon, primarily the sword which he took a strong sense of pride in. James had an affinity for people, especially the underdog and didn’t tolerate bullying of any kind. He would pass on the knowledge of self-defense to a few close friends along the way so that they could learn to adequately take care of themselves.

Perhaps the greatest gift that James had was the greatest gift that could ever be received. Very early on his life, James received the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart by the instruction of his loving parents. He was very eager to share the gospel and study the word of God as teenager into man hood. 

However, like many other Christians, he succumbed to the temptations of what this world convinced him that it had to offer. James was often very conflicted especially in the final years of his short life. It made it
hard for him to discover what his true purpose and place in this world was. He wrestled with his flesh and the spiritual knowledge he had received throughout his life. As Jesus said, you cannot serve two masters, or sit at the table of God and expect to sit at the table of the world. For you will learn to love one and hate the other.  James’ confliction started when he stepped off the foundation of truth being the word of God, and he started relying on his own strength and will to fight this spiritual battle.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers, and spiritual darkness in high places.  James was going to war with an adversary who was far beyond himself, that is how he was snared and
was taken captive by the wiles and fiery darts of the devil. In the military there is a condition in battle called the fog of war. This is defined as “the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in a combative situation.” ‘The term seeks to capture the uncertainty regarding one’s own capability, adversary capability, and adversary intent during an engagement, operation, or campaign.’  Because James leaned on his own understanding and wisdom, he dove headlong into a long waged war without any protection or offensive weapon to help him counteract the offensive of the enemy. In his final letter to his family, James acknowledges this as it unfortunately was leading him to an early demise. While James felt like he couldn’t possibly be forgiven for his actions, his family takes comfort in his words asking them to continue to spread the gospel to others as he was afraid to do so in his final days. James was a victim and causality of a very real and ongoing spiritual warfare that is not to be taken lightly. But he was unconditionally loved and revered by his family and loved ones despite how he personally felt about himself. While his body may have been destroyed, it is firmly held that his Spirit will be saved in that final day of redemption as Paul says in his gospel (1 Corinthians 5:5). James will truly be missed by many; he may have lost his way but he will never be forgotten.

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