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Celebrate Their Lives

The days of summer are coming to a close marked by the US celebration of Labor Day.  This is often one of the last summer family events before the school year is back in full swing for many.  Its origins go back to the 19th century to celebrate the strength, prosperity and solidarity of a nation through the individual and collective efforts of a national family of workers.  We continue to honor the contributions of the life work of people who have labored to provide for us the life we now enjoy.

In the same vain, we must honor the lives of our lost loved ones.  Though their lives ended too quickly and too abruptly, let us remember the contributions they made to our lives and to our family.  Lets focus on who they are as we keep them in our memories and the love they brought to us each and every day of their lives.  Part of the healing process for us is to hold dear the memories of the times we shared together with them.  Let us look back on their lives with fondness and allow their memories to bring strength and peace of mind into our hearts.  Lets remember the times of joy and happiness that they brought into our lives.  Let the memories of their lives bring us strength to fight onward and let their life shine through us in a positive, healing way.   Let the legacy of their life shine brightly in everything we do.  Celebrate their life each and every day!

As we spend time with our families this Labor Day, be thankful and find a way to honor our lost loved ones.  Let the light of their life shine brightly in our memories as we gather together.  Let us share our special memories of those missing from our tables with our family and friends.   Let the legacy of their lives continue on as they live on in our hearts and minds.  Let the memories of their lives bring strength and bind us together as family.  

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