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Tag: Suicide

Reach Out

Tragedy struck yet again in our small community. Last week another fell victim to suicide in our small community. This marks the fourth since our own son Stephen took his own life. Its difficult for me to imagine that any person reading this post has not known and has...

In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me

The act of taking one’s own life is so terribly shocking and usually unexpected. No two situations are the same. Charles Whittlesey was a man of status. He had recieved the Medal of Honor as he had been the leader of the “Lost Battalion” in World War I. His...

Understanding Suicide

Suicide is the most complex and difficult to understand of all human behavior.  Yet suicidal people are just like you and me.  They have problems, we have problems. The difference between us is that for the moment, we feel we can handle our problems and do not feel overwhelmed...

Coping with Grief

The death of a loved one leads us down a long winding path of many ups and downs as we deal with the grief from our loss.  As the days pass, we continue to mourn the loss of our loved ones in as many different ways as there are...