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Tag: Dealing with suicide

THE AFTERMATH: A Mother’s Passage Through Grief

It’s Wednesday, October 16, and I am standing outside in a lonely spot. I guess it normally would be called a forlorn, windswept location except that it is sunny, in the upper 40’s, and there is barely any wind blowing, just an occasional puff of wind arising out...

In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me

The act of taking one’s own life is so terribly shocking and usually unexpected. No two situations are the same. Charles Whittlesey was a man of status. He had recieved the Medal of Honor as he had been the leader of the “Lost Battalion” in World War I. His...

Reaching Out to Others

My days are often filled with thoughts of Stephen.  As I think about him, I remember the days not too many years ago when he was a small boy, bursting into the house with fish he caught from the small lake down the hill from our house.  His face...